by Ian Mumpton
Last week we put up an article about
receipts from Sothebys
detailing high-end fashion purchases made by the Schuylers in the 1760’s and early 1770’s. The types of
finery referred to in these receipts would have been instrumental to the family’s
identity. Textiles and personal adornment were a means for displaying not only
their extravagant wealth, but an even more pervasive element of refinement,
gentility, and power. The clothing described was not only expensive to buy, but
followed the latest European trends, showcasing the Schuylers’ familiarity with
international fashion
and an ability
to import textiles and styles from Europe. The mercantile connections that made
this possible also made the Schuylers powerful players in society. As the
mature male head of the family, Philip himself would have worn expensive, high quality
textiles, however the understated sense of refinement by which he shaped his
outward expression rejected ostentatious display in his own personal adornment
(even if not in his home, carriages, or family). This was not the case for his
oldest son, however.
Philip Jeremiah Schuyler, as painted by Robert. His clothing
reflects a far more somber style than his older brother's. |
John Bradstreet Schuyler, called John or Johnny by friends
and family, seems to have been more than a little bit of what the era referred to as a
Dandy. His younger brother, Philip Jeremiah, is painted in several portraits
wearing high-quality yet understated clothing in various shades of black,
brown, or grey, very similar to his father. No portraits of Johnny exist,
however, by looking at his shopping receipts, a very different picture emerges.
In the collection of the New York Public Library is a receipt
labeled NYPL 543-Reel 16. It lists expenses owed to a Mr. Abraham Brouwer of
New York by Mr. John B. Schuyler accumulated between February 5th
and March 26th of 1785. The total price listed is £17, 1 shilling
and 3 pence less £3, 4 shillings paid in cash (roughly over $2,500 in current
US currency). This is a hefty sum of money; a little over 30% of the average
annual income for a skilled craftsman in the city of Albany at that time. So
what did young (he was not yet 20 years old at the time) Johnny Schuyler buy
for £17.1.3? Let’s dig in:
New York February 5th
Mr. John B
to Abraham Brouwer
To Making
one coat 2 vests & 2 pairs of breeches £3.0.0
2 ¼ yd of white Mode @
12/ 1.7.0
1 Velvet Cape 0.6.0
1 ½ yd of Linnin @2/0 0.3.0
20 Large Gold Buttons @14 1.3.4
6 small do. @7d 0.3.6
1 ½ yd of white satten @24/ 1.16.0
1 ½ yd of Corded Silk @10/ 1.7.0
3 ½ yds of Linnin @3/4 0.11.0
10 small Gold Buttons @6 0.9.0
1 Dozn small & 3 Large Black Buttons 0.1.2
¼ yd of Durant 0.0.9
Silk Thread Twist & Buckram 0.10.6
10 Small Button moles and Tape 0.1.6
Do 9
to Making one Coat 1.0.0
1 velvet cape 0.6.0
Silk Thread Twist & Buckram 0.5.6
Do 16
to one linnin Drawers 0.9.0
March 9- to
making 2 pairs of breeches 1.0.0
1 piece of 2 yds of Nankeen 0.17.0
1 ½ yds of Brown Holland @ 2/0 0.4.0
2 Dozn Small & 6 Large moles 0.1.0
4 yds of Tape 0.0.8
To cash [Lent/Spent/?] one Crown 0.9.0
Silk Thread & Twist 0.4.0
26 to making One Vest 0.10.0
¾ Yds. Of Mirselis 0.9.0
1 ½ yd. of linnin @
¾ 0.4.2
Thread & moles 0.1.6
[?] By Cash 3.4.0
Balance Due 13.17.3
That’s quite a list. Breaking it down, the receipt lists multiple
sets of clothing with the individual components that went into each. The first
set of clothing listed is for a coat with two sets of small-clothes (vest and
breeches). What is wonderful about this receipt is that not only can we tell
what the clothing was, but we can piece together a strong conjecture about what
it looked like.
The textiles listed would have made for an extremely snazzy
outfit. The first item listed is 2 ½ yards of White Mode. “Mode” refers to “a
la Mode” fabric, a super-fine silk with a high gloss and semi-translucent
quality. It was popular for scarves and cravats, but may have also served as
the lining for the coat or have gone into a waistcoat (one of the “vests”
referred to). The clothing was likely lined with linen, or one of the vests may
have had a linen back, leaving the best fabric for the visible portions. There
is also a reference to white satin, corded silk, and a large number of gold
buttons in various sizes, however, the ¼ yard of durrant is more mysterious.
Durrant was a heavy felted wool that was popular as a faux-buffed leather. At ¼
yard, it is the smallest piece of fabric listed for this set. As it was meant to emulate buffed leather, it would have been a pale tan or off-white itself. Perhaps it was
used to trim or offset the main garments as pocket flaps or as banding along
the bottom of the breeches legs? In either case, John B. would have cut a
dapper figure stepping out in his white and gold suit with a velvet cape.
This was not his only purchase from Mr. Brouwer however. The
other entries record a second coat and vest, as well as two more breeches,
giving him two full outfits complete with choice of breeches and a cape for
each. While his first suit what white and gold, he seems to have gone with
browns and gold for the second set of breeches at least. The receipts list brown
Holland, a super-fine linen, and “Nankeen”, or Nanking, a Chinese textile most
common in brownish-gold tones. The reference to tape and twist associated with
these breeches indicates that they were likely ornamented as well, and may well
have matched the vest ordered soon after. This vest, likely lined and backed
with linen, would have displayed a “Mirselis” front. This is most likely a
reference to
Marseilles cloth, a heavily textured, highly ornamental fabric.
So what was Johnny conveying with silk clothing and velvet
capes? This is more difficult to answer; after all, internal motivations don’t
usually leave receipts. Wealth was obviously on display, as well as his family’s
mercantile connections and appreciation for European style. However, while the
women of the family appear to have dressed in highly ornate clothing, at least on
certain occasions, there is little evidence that the men (including his father
and younger brother) wore anything on par with this. While Philip certainly
dressed well, John B. is an outlier. We can only speculate as to why, however a
few possibilities are worth considering. Philip and Catharine Schuyler were
both from Dutch roots, however they adopted a refined and elegant English
material lifestyle that would have been far more “showy” than that of their own
parents. Perhaps Johnny here was simply continuing that tradition himself. As a
young man of means from a powerful family, it is possible that he simply wanted
to participate in the high end fashion that his family’s money could afford.
On the other hand, it is possible that this display was a
form of rebellion. John Bradstreet Schuyler was the oldest son of the family,
and as such, Philip Schuyler intended for his son to enter into the same sort
of business and politics that had man him one of the leading citizens of New
York. Unfortunately for Johnny, he had little knack for this. His father at one
point described him as, “A man of little genius”, and frequently critiqued his
poor handling of business at the family’s Saratoga estate. Could this have been
a young man’s attempt to forge his own identity in society independent of his
father? We may never know for sure, but we hope that our ongoing research into
this young man’s personal life might yield some answers. Collected documents
such as these receipts are invaluable in this regard. While almost nothing has
survived in the form of actual Schuyler family textile pieces, these sorts of documents
allow us to catch a very intimate and specific glance into the daily lives of
these historical individuals.